The bladder, an organ located in the pelvis, stores and dispenses urine. Several muscles and nerves work together in order for the bladder to retain urine until the appropriate time comes to void. Nerves and signals are sent between the muscles that control the bladder and the brain signaling the bladder to retain or to void urine. In cases, which the nerves are damaged by illness or trauma, the signals sent to the brain arent comprehended correctly. The muscles as a result do not relax and tighten at the appropriate time making it difficult for the bladder to empty or retain urine. Several central nervouse disorders can cause a neurogenic bladder, including strokes and stroke recovery, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, spinal surgeries, erectile  dysfunction, trauma, ideseases that affect the nervouse system, central nervous system  tumors, encephalitis, alcoholic neuropathy, diabetic neuropathym pelvic surgery, ADHD, and herniated discs. Symptomatic patients with an over active bladder, experience frequent urination with little amounts of urine, issues completely voiding the bladder and loss of bladder control. Patients with an under active bladder experience difficulty starting a urine stream, incapability to completely empty the bladder, over flow of the bladder resulting in leakeage of urine, inability to tell when the bladder is full. Physicians may help keep symptoms under control with medications, excercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, electrical-stimulatory therapy, intermittent self catherization, and surgery.