Psychological ED Origins

June 7, 2016

Erectile dysfunction comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s safe to say that in one form or another, every sexually active male will experience ED at some point in his life. Sometimes it’s nothing more than the fact that the man has had one too many drinks. But sometimes it’s rooted in something deeper, and it’s not always physical. In fact, for men over 40, around 20% of ED cases are predominantly psychological. In this article we will discuss the origins of these psychological conditions. To learn more from an erectile dysfunction doctor, New York City based urologist Dr. Bruder of the Luzato Medical Group is available from 9 am to 7 pm Monday through Friday.

Relationship problems

This is a more common occurrence than anyone would like to admit. But it does, in fact, happen. But that doesn’t have to mean the end of the relationship. All it means is that there’s something in the way that needs to be addressed. By being honest with your partner, you can get to the bottom of the problem and find a solution together. Partnership and honest are the keys to healthy, long lasting relationships.

Stressful circumstances

Sex is a time to shut off the rest of life and let our instincts take hold. But sometimes the world can follow us into the bedroom and interfere in times of intimacy. The world is noisy and full of distractions, and that can be a burden on the connection one has with his partner. Even when there isn’t physical noise in the room, our own brains can sometimes take the place of a radio or television. If this is the case, then the best thing to do is take your time and relax. If you try to rush things, you will only fuel your anxiety. Remember that sex is meant to be an act of pleasure. If you are not enjoying yourself, then you have no obligation to force yourself to pretend. Instead, just enjoy your time of intimacy with this person and let nature take its course when your body is ready.

A history of negative sexual experiences

The brain is a mysterious thing that doesn’t always act as you’d like it to. Sometimes, it can throw the last thoughts you’d want to have in your head and the worst possible times. If you’ve experienced issues with erectile dysfunction in the past, it can be hard to leave that in the past and look forward. For many men, each time they have a sexual encounter they immediately begin thinking of their last incident, which distracts them from the present moment. As is the case with stressful circumstances, the best course of action is to slow down and let those thoughts pass. Intimacy will come with time.


Whether it’s circumstantial or chemical, it’s exceedingly difficult to turn off one’s depression while having sex. What’s more, depression medication often times can suppress a man’s labido, which, in this case, defeats the purpose of taking the medication in the first place. As a result, a good first step is to seek professional help from a specialist.

If you’d like to understand the roots of your issues with sex, make an appointment with Dr. Bruder. To set up an appointment with an erectile dysfunction doctor, New York City based Luzato Medical Group can be reached at 212-661-7003. Give them a call today and let’s get to the bottom of this.