3 Ways To Prevent Erectile Dysfunction Without Ever Taking A Pill

December 3, 2015

You may be surprised to know that before Viagra was the ED drug, it was originally designed to lower blood pressure. That’s because your ability to have an erection depends largely on how well your blood is circulating. So with that in mind, the best advice one can give to someone who either is having problems, or has concerns that he may one day start having them, would be to take the same steps for his penis as he would for his heart. For anyone who’s a bit concerned about depending on a pill to keep his sex life alive, here are a few alternatives:
All those guilty pleasures that you can’t convince yourself to stop eating because you don’t have any real heart problems yet.Guess what. It’s probably affecting you in bed. That includes any fried, fatty, or processed foods. Anything that disrupts the flow of blood in your arteries is going to cause some issues downstairs as well. Instead, try to keep up your fruits and vegetables intake. Some recent studies have shown that a Mediterranean diet can lower your chances of ED. That includes fish, red wine, olive oil, and whole grains.
Coupled with every good diet there is a good workout routine to compliment it. By keeping in shape, you will be preventing excessive weight gain. Any cardiovascular workout done several times a week, be it running, swimming, biking, etc., should allow you to maintain a reasonable weight, effectively preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes, which can lead to nerve damage in various parts of the body, including your sexual organ. One small factor to keep in mind, if you are an extreme biker, make sure to wear padded bicycle pants and to stand up as much as possible when pedaling. Too much pressure to that region on a regular basis can damage the nerves and blood vessels around the penis and scrotum.
Less drinking
If you like to have a few beers with friends on the weekends, or a glass of wine over dinner, you need not be concerned. There have been no links made between moderate alcohol consumption and erectile dysfunction. However, if you are an alcohol abuser, you now have one more reason to take the necessary steps towards quitting, or at least cutting down. Alcohol abuse, similarly to diabetes, can cause nerve damage, which in turn has the potential to lead to ED. It also can disrupt the balance of your hormones, which also will complicate your sex life.
Above all, keep in mind that your urology doctor in NYC is not your enemy. It is always important to keep your doctor up to date on any health concerns, including your sexual life. Self diagnosis can often times cause more harm than good. If you’re convinced you have or are developing erectile dysfunction, do not by any means go out and try to consume an ED medicine without a prescription. Your urology doctor in New York will quite likely recommend the above steps, and if they do not work, then you will be prescribed an appropriate dosage depending on your current physical health. In any case, the tips above are good for you regardless, and you’ll be a happier person for applying them as much as possible.
Studies have shown that up to 52% of men have experienced erectile dysfunction. If you are having some concerns and would like to speak to an erectile dysfunction doctor in NYC, you can contact Luzato Medical Group at 212-661-7003, or email them any time to make an appointment.