Is ED Increasing Your Risk of Heart Disease?

July 2, 2018

Well, it is not like your erectile dysfunction symptoms are going to directly cause you a heart attack. However, if your erectile dysfunction is related to vascular problems, your chances of suffering from a heart attack, stroke or sudden cardiac death double. (Related topics: urology doctor in New York)
Impotence in men is a risk factor for heart disease. And, henceforth, it is recommended that as soon as you start experiencing erectile dysfunction symptoms, you make an appointment with a urologist and also with a cardiologist.
A four-year study, published in the medical journal Circulation, revealed that men currently suffering from vascular-related erectile dysfunctions are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke or sudden cardiac death. This research tracked the heart health of almost 2000 men between ages 60 and 78, some with vascular-related ED and some without it.
As you know, erectile dysfunction is sometimes related to emotional issues such as anxiety or other psychological concerns and it’s usually temporary. However, if men are experiencing impotence related to vascular problems it may be a permanent problem and not a condition in itself but rather a symptom of a sub-clinical cardiovascular dysfunction.
In most cases, vascular ED is the result of arterial blockage and insufficient blood flow. Approximately, one in five men over the age of 20 have trouble sustaining an erection, and, although the younger the patient the bigger the chances of the condition being psychological, it is common knowledge that for some men that ED is closely associated with cardiovascular problems.
Whereas the initial suspicion is that ED happens primarily due to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, the truth is that depression and the use of medications are also linked to the relationship between ED and also with cardiovascular problems. Nevertheless, the highlight discovery of this study is that simply having ED is a significant risk factor for heart disease.
The participants of the study were recruited by the researchers from across several US cities. Over the course of 4 years, 115 of the men who participated had a serious heart problem, such as a heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest, and over 6% of men with impotence had issues, in comparison to just under 3% of sexually healthy men.

If you’re experiencing urology problems or if you’re in need of an erectile dysfunction doctor in Manhattan, a urology doctor in New York or an erectile dysfunction doctor in NYC, contact a Luzato Medical Group. We have hundreds of happy patients that are happy to continually return, no matter the health issue. We offer high-quality care and an outstanding success rate, so we are sure we can help. Make an appointment or get in touch with us through our website or call us at (212) 661-7003.