Premature Ejaculation Is The New Erectile Dysfunction

March 31, 2016

Discourse about the tribulations of erectile dysfunction have made great strides over the past twenty or so years. While we still have some fun mocking Brett Favre tossing footballs through tires in Cialis commercials, we have those commercials to thank for how widely known the problem is today. No longer is it nearly as taboo as it once was thanks to the fact that awareness of its commonality has been spread through these commercials. But now there’s something else to talk about, and it too has been causing a lot of issues in the bedroom. We’re talking about the problem of premature ejaculation. If this pertains to you, here’s why you should seek advice and treatment from the urology doctor New York City men have been known to label as one of the best in the country.

Recent studies suggest that up to a third of men today struggle with premature ejaculation. Studies have also deemed it an official medical dysfunction that is not always due to specific circumstances, but is more related to physical issues in men across America. Scientists have reportedly discovered that the source of the problem can be traced back to a single neurotransmitter in the brain called serotonin.

The most common treatment is to prescribe serotonin inhibitors, which are typically prescribed to patients suffering from depression. Sometimes it works. But the most common side effect is to experience the opposite extreme, which can be equally if not even more frustrating. This side effect is the loss of libido.

Alternative solutions include the application of sprays or other topical agents intended to reduce sensation in the penis, which in turn can reduce the release serotonin through more natural measures. This has been the most common solution, but this too has its flaws. In addition to the fact that reducing sensation in an activity that by definition is meant to be sensational, it also causing a reduction in pleasure from the woman as well, effectively making it more difficult for her to have an orgasm. Neither party enjoying the sex can place heavy strains on a relationship.

It’s an all too common problem that for whatever reason is almost never addressed in pop culture or mainstream media. That said, considering the progress made with erectile dysfunction awareness, it’s reasonable to assume that in due time we will be seeing more research and more awareness in the years to come. Who knows. Maybe in a few years we’ll be getting a Peyton Manning commercials about PE. Laugh all you want, but at the end of the day, we should appreciate how those commercials have improved the lives of men everywhere.

You deserve better, and with the right help, you can have it. Don’t sweep this under the rug and allow your relationship to crumble. There is a solution and with the right help you can find it. Face it head on. As for now, the best available solution is to speak to a professional urology doctor New York City residents have given clout to. Luzato Medical Group may well have the answer to your problems. For more information, you can reach us 212-661-7003.